Support XXL Cargo planes...

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by amg46, Oct 11, 2017.

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  1. amg46

    amg46 User

    Hello all

    I have a XXL aircraft factory and i'm now "manufacturing" these kind of airplanes; for each manufactured plane I (we) receive a given amount of "experience points" (to give access to a second level).
    Well, I decided to manufacture a XXL cargo and, for my surprise I didn't received any points.
    Is this correct? :(
    (in meanwhile i decided to issue a trouble ticket...)
  2. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello amg46,

    you only receive experience points for building a whole L-plane, not for building any single parts of the plane.

    Furthermore, I would like to ask you to collect at first all needed materials and Aircoins for the whole plane before start building. It might happen that single built parts get lost when you log out of the game.

    Further information about the different planes and needed materials can you find here:

    Kind regards,
  3. amg46

    amg46 User

    tks for the reply, NightHawk
    Note: there is no problem with the itens or manufacturing the aircraft: all that worked well and i did received the plane.
    What I noted for the second time i built such aircraft was that i didn't received "experience points" for that (as i received for other XXL aircrafts); that is what is puzzling my :confused:
    So again: do we receive those "experience points for the XXL cargo or not? :confused:

    btw, a sugestion: why not have a table of experience points regarding the manufacturing of these aircraft, just for controling the whole process?

    topgun123 likes this.
  4. amg46

    amg46 User

    ok, to those who are following this tread:
    - the "trouble ticket" (??? what a name ... ) replied instructing me to clean the cache of my browser, which obviously didn't work :mad:

    So my advice:
    - the building of cargo planes is far from being trouble free
    - at the old forum (portugues/brasilian version) one player advised us to refresh the browser after completing the 5 phase of building, and only after give the command to "build"; i did it with my first planes them i forgot. Maybe is better to do it again ;) :mad::mad::mad:
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2017
  5. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello amg46,

    sorry for the late response. The IT guys took a look to your account and told me that everything is correct with it.

    You have 17 L-Planes, 7 of them have not been built in the construction hall as you purchased them in events in the past.
    So, you built 10 planes in the construction hall, for each of this planes you received 5 experience points (that's what you get for one plane at level 1) which gives you 50 experience points at all. And that's what is shown in your construction hall.

    I hope this is more comprehensible now :).

    Kind regards,
    amg46 and topgun123 like this.
  6. amg46

    amg46 User

    Dear NightHawk

    You are far better than the trouble ticket system!!! ;)
    Many thanks. That is more reassuring to me: the system/game is stable.
    In fact I was afraid that something could be wrong.

    Have a good weekend
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