Feedback Winter / Space Event 2024

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by ~NightHawk~, Dec 5, 2024.

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  1. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

  2. SnackPlayS

    SnackPlayS User

    Waterway XMAS-23 for 150 asteroids is not available for me. I don't see it in the event shop.
  3. rjtje01

    rjtje01 User

    lets hope they put it back soon
  4. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello SnackPlayS and rjtje01,

    there are currently a few things missing from the event shop, including the Waterway XMAS-23. We have already forwarded this and hope that these can be added next week.

    Kind regards,
  5. -NewBlood-

    -NewBlood- User

    No Skyrama winter banger soundtrack as in the previous years? I am genuinly disappointed and my enjoyment out of this event is significantly reduced.
    Trumaldigo and gotuzil49 like this.
  6. gotuzil49

    gotuzil49 User

    The only issue is the absence of winter music. However, the new planes are really nice
  7. Hi @Flight-Attendant , any chance we can buy Skyrace Parkway in current event? Is a nice / smaller item, which helps :) (think it's been awhile since it was last available).
    Thank you!
  8. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello PopAndreiCristian,

    the Skyrace Parkway will no longer be available in this event, but we will try to get it at a later event.:)

    Kind regards,
  9. LabuDabi

    LabuDabi User

    hello @Flight-Attendant , I just bought a winter backdrop. After I bought it the game immediately error and a technical error screen appeared. After I reloaded, the event coins decreased but I didn't get the winter backdrop.
    This has happened 3 times, I bought winter backdrop twice and infinite vastness once. I didn't get everything but the event coins were lost.
    mapelu likes this.
  10. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello LabuDabi,

    to contact support, login to your account in a web browser of your choice and click the support button in the bottom right corner.

    Kind regards,