What is going on today

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by maontje, Aug 25, 2023.

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  1. maontje

    maontje User

    What is happening with the game today?
    It is super slow and lots of TF.

    Relogging is also superslow as is the website of skyrama

    Don't tell us it is a DDos again they should have fixed by now
  2. rjtje01

    rjtje01 User

    lost lots of planes today , problems all day long and still not fixed, cant even get into the game at the moment. we pay for qs and we cant use them half of the times
    not to mension we lost many tokens for all the planes we could not served during the day, you should compensate the tokens also and not only free passengers, and free qs.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2023
  3. RockBabe

    RockBabe User

    Back from vacation and i cant play the game. it is slow and even the Home screen is not opening. And if it is open the loading screen is not working.
  4. bobo1983

    bobo1983 User

    The game is f*** up always . It is always the same with bigpoint and especially skyrama. Then a ddos and then that and then again. No, playing this way just isn't.
    AND NO I'm not playing at the moment, keep an eye on it

    And no free aircash or free Quick service
    just a pathetic bonus code that doesn't save anything at all.

    good money in your pockets. but solving the problems that does not happen

    I now really demand from you as a big point

    a very good bonus code with a minimum of 99 hours of quick service and 900 air cash.
  5. martin3111

    martin3111 User

    Ahoj nelze přikoupit aéra, už je to třetí den. poradíte prosím?
  6. I'm quite sure, that you cannot demand anything from them :D but yeah, it is really shame how this game is losing support and everything. New content? Naah... These new planes are just normal planes with rainbow over them. Really?
    IMHO, this ddos attack was launched to raise their awareness... But yet, they will still not do anything.
    Sorry to say it (because I've been playing this game for almost a decade), but this is already dead...
  7. -Nico-80-

    -Nico-80- User

    ça fait trois jours que ça dure, ça devient vraiment insupportable!
    BLONDI2011 likes this.
  8. Hello guys,

    at the moment the game seems to be running again. As far as we can see, the problems seemed to affect also other Bigpoint games at the same time (e.g. Farmerama).
    As usual, we will report the issues to the technical department, but you also know that were here in the forum can not fix the problems in any way.

    Therefore, we can just ask you to stay patient one more time, we hope to get some feedback concerning the issue next week and will let you know about it.

    Kind regards,
  9. sercool

    sercool User

    The problem with logging into the game is still unresolved. :mad::mad::mad:
    RockBabe, BLONDI2011, Myrtve and 2 others like this.
  10. vargo76

    vargo76 User

    Not only is it unresolved, it´s getting worse.
  11. Ainyska

    Ainyska User

    The game can't be played, after getting stuck and refreshing the page, the progress doesn't save and I'm checking in the same planes that I checked in a while ago, because the game is in such a disastrous state, I'm closing the airport for today and I apologize to the others for not checking in their planes. THE PLANES CANNOT BE CHECKED IN NOW!!!!!!
    The patience we constantly ask for is starting to run out quickly!
    RockBabe, sercool and BLONDI2011 like this.
  12. vargo76

    vargo76 User

    Lately, everytime there´s an ongoing event, problems keep surging. It can´t just be a coincidence
  13. biry1226

    biry1226 User

    It has been kicking me ont the game for 3 days now.
    I can't go back for hours afterwards. The aircraft workshop does not work for tuning new planes.:mad::mad::mad:
    sercool and BLONDI2011 like this.
  14. Myrtve

    Myrtve User

    Today: The page took a long time to load and finally a message appeared: this page isn't working
    When I wanted to write for support, the situation was repeated
    I am very disgusted and angry about the constant problems during events. Your so-called compensations in the form of 48h QS are laughable.
    RockBabe, sercool and BLONDI2011 like this.
  15. BLONDI2011

    BLONDI2011 User

    And again I wasted my priceless time and money on fast service :rolleyes:. I lost mine and other players' planes :mad:. Are you all serious in this company? o_O
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