Suggestion The Engineering bay

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by topgun123, May 11, 2023.

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  1. topgun123

    topgun123 User

    Good morning everyone,
    my skills as a programmer are absolutely nil:oops::rolleyes:, but I feel the same to try to make a suggestion:

    - could one completely remove the engineering bay from the game (?)

    - then insert it back into the game and make it available in the purchase area to buy it again (?)

    Even so you have to start all over from scratch! am still better than now!!

    How do you do it when a program or your PC doesn't work; delete, reinstall and/or restart
    Maybe! Maybe it works:p

    Kind regards;)
    biry1226 likes this.
  2. michielvde

    michielvde User

    I believe the issue really is that the tuning parts have mysteriously disappeared. They are stored (or at least being sent) separately from the engineering bay itself, so I guess it's not that simple. (Instead of the usual list with the numbers, the server sends "null" :eek:)

    But once again, I could be wrong of course :D
  3. biry1226

    biry1226 User

    When will the aircraft workshop work?
    When vill the event be?
    Does the game work normally at all at some point?
    Enough of the persuasion. It would be time to tell the truth honestly.

    "Silent slience and the smell of corpses" all along the line.

    Kind regards:
    Myrtve likes this.
  4. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello guys,

    the problem with the Engineering Bay should have been fixed today afternoon. You should all have your stock of tuning parts back now.

    Kind regards,
    topgun123 and olandiano like this.
  5. topgun123

    topgun123 User

    Good morning ,
    I wanted to communicate that the components are back in place and you can improve the airplanes :)

    I apologize if I write late..... because sometimes we are very quick to highlight problems but then we forget to communicate when they are resolved and thank those who have listened to us with patience (the Mods:cool:)

    This post can be closed

    Thank you
    dany2376, olandiano and ~NightHawk~ like this.
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