Bug Strange amount of coins awarded?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by mictla1, Sep 25, 2017.

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  1. mictla1

    mictla1 User

    I am receiving strangely large amounts of coins for the planes serviced... like nearly 100k for one? Is that some kind of a bug?
  2. boertje1

    boertje1 User

    Sssssssttttttttttttt... :rolleyes::mad:
    wojtekpl999 and olandiano like this.
  3. Psssssst.
  4. mictla1

    mictla1 User

    Already fixed it seems
  5. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello guys,

    yes, it seems that somebody made a mistake with this mini-event. Of course it was not intended to have such a strange increase of Aircoins.

    But the "bug" should be fixed now.

    Kind regards,
  6. olandiano

    olandiano User

    Hi Nighthawk, its a shame they have changed it.:) But the strange thing is that this bug in a few hours is fixed, and we wait for years that they have fixed our bugs!!!! What are they doing with the EP,s. We get to little ep,s for many many planes from the start of those planes.For example, we got 4 ep,s less then they must give to us for the C-star. And thats from the beginning, How many years now?..But that is a lost for the players and not for BP. So its about time they fixed our bugs also, like the tecnical errors 20 times a day, and many many more bugs...But its not your fault, you do your best to tell them .
    firehawk69 and boertje1 like this.
  7. boertje1

    boertje1 User

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