Suggestion Scrolling in Storage

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by spaarvarkentje1987, Feb 26, 2020.

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  1. I would like to be able to scroll in the warehouse to see what's inside
  2. othix

    othix User
    i made a suggestion about placing the warehouse "window". i think this could be useful to everyone to check raw materials before sending cargoplanes.
    since i'm a beginner here, could anyone tell me, why i could not place the pic directly here?
  3. michielvde

    michielvde User

    The forum doesn't support uploading pictures directly, but you can upload it somewhere on the internet to put it in your message (I think :)).
  4. othix

    othix User

    i understand the method, i don't understand the reason
    thanks anyway! ;)