FAQ Screenshots

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by ~NightHawk~, Aug 18, 2016.

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  1. This FAQ should give you some information about making & uploading screenshots.

    • How can I make a screenshot?
    • How can I upload it to the forum?

    1.) How can I make a screenshot?

    • Open the window you want to screen.
    • Press the "Print" key (usually at the top of the keyboard)
    • Open Paint and press Ctrl+V
    • Choose "Change Size" (Ctrl+W) and check that the maximum width is 640 pixels or rather the maximum height is 480 pixels.
    • Save the picture as .jpg or .png

    2. How can I upload it to the forum?

    To upload the screenshot to the forum, you have to upload it to the internet first.
    Therefore are many providers available. You can find them by searching for the combination "Upload" and "Image" with Google (e.g.)
    (My favourite provider is Picload.)

    Choose the file you want to upload and then upload it.
    You will receive a link/URL from the provider. Copy this URL (Ctrl+C).

    At least, go back to the forum. Open the thread you want to post the picture in.
    When writing a new post, there is a tool bar at the top of the writing screen.
    Choose the icon right next to the smiley - a square with mountains and a black point in the top left corner - and enter the copied URL (Ctrl+V).
    Click "insert" and post it.
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