Problems after maintenance work

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Flight-Attendant, Feb 9, 2023.

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  1. the event may be running now but as i mentioned already yesterday there are still problems with it.

    to be more specific...

    planes sent and landed at the same online session you get rewards.

    one single refresh between sending and landing and i dont get any rewards.
    like the reset on upgrade goods.
  2. When I restart the game all the components for the upgrade of the planes are lost. what about how we will have what we lost?
    Myrtve likes this.
  3. andreipop

    andreipop User

    You don't have to restart the game, spare parts reset to 0 from time to time, looks like less than 10 mins.

    Later edit: anyway parts are useless, as soon as you try to use them game crashes and on restart spare parts are gone, upgrade not done.
    On a previous version on upgrade plane would have been upgraded to maximum possible and game would crash afterwards.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2023
  4. dyllan30m

    dyllan30m User

    what do we do with the tuning parts?
    and event coins are hard to get
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2023
    Myrtve likes this.
  5. I don't know if there is something to do with the bug. But as soon as I send a banner my airport crashes.
  6. Ainyska

    Ainyska User

    This error has been around for a long time, it happened to me every time I sent two or more banners
  7. andreipop

    andreipop User

    For banners, have a 5 seconds delay between them (Taxi on tarmac first banner, way 5 s, taxi on tarmac banner 2 , ... when all runways are filled, send), this way should not crash.
  8. Earlier I sent only one banner and that was enough to crash the game.
  9. vargo76

    vargo76 User

    This is getting ridiculous. The event keeps disappearing, almost as if someone is actually messing with the game on purpose. This can´t just be what people call "an honest mistake".
    Myrtve likes this.
  10. I was going to win a new plane from the event I had 510 each I wanted to buy myself a new cupid but the event disappeared.
  11. The event came back and jumped in my face.
  12. cody071999

    cody071999 User

    Hi, just came here to find out what was happening with the game and where I could get help. I play the game for a long time, and after a long break I came back, and in the past few days I've been playing and brought my younger brother too, but we both found bugs in game, while I'm having a plane stuck on the map, my plane parts on the workshop reset every time I get in game, and during game the amount changes randomly, my brother only has the workshop bug with the plane parts.

    My username: cody071999 / id: 9541941

    Brother's username: claudiop99 / id: 11393977

    Best Regards
  13. Hello guys,

    we have already reported the problem with the frequently disappearing event. At first we thought that it had only happened once as a consequence of the fix implemented on Friday. However, it seems that this issue has a different source. The technicians will have a look on it as well as on the problem with the tuning parts resetting to zero again and again.

    As soon as there are any news, we will let you know.

    Kind regards,
    cody071999 and olandiano like this.
  14. bojour

    bojour User

    Just a reminder that many of us had thousands of Tuning Parts including myself before the glitch...Please keep that in mind when you get it resolved.. Thank you
    Myrtve, Alni and Parzival like this.
  15. Alni

    Alni User

    Totally agree. parts will need to be put back in place
    Myrtve likes this.
  16. Alni

    Alni User

    this morning the event disappeared...
  17. Parzival

    Parzival User

    The innuit pack also did not work for me. When purchased I received the quick service and aircash, but did not receive the 200 event coins...which was the reason I bought it. Adding this to the list of stuff I'm owed since January
  18. the game is too slow. please clean my cache .thank you

    ID: 2087142
  19. dyllan30m

    dyllan30m User

    very badly managed game:(:(
    Myrtve likes this.
  20. Alni

    Alni User

    the event is visible again but with 2500 planes I received ZERO event points
    Myrtve and dyllan30m like this.
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