Plane Requests - 2024

Discussion in 'Players' Corner' started by ~NightHawk~, Jan 1, 2018.

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  1. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Dear Airport Managers,

    please use this thread for your plane requests :).

    What information should your post contain?
    • Your Ingame name
    • Your User ID
    • Your special plane request

    Please do not ask for new buddies or advertise your flight times here. There's a different thread for that ;).

    Your Skyrama Team
  2. dkarmy12

    dkarmy12 User

    require ramacopter quickies
    dkarmy12 ID 5255312
  3. Rama-XS-Turbo
    ID: 13130904
  4. dkarmy12

    dkarmy12 User

    rama m cargo and rama xs cargo 4 each
    dkarmy12 ID 5255312
  5. Alvinho

    Alvinho User

    Need 4 Rama-M Turbo and 30 Medium Planes
    Alvinho ID 13131241
  6. standarsh

    standarsh User

    Name: standarsh
    ID: 13131361
    Need Rama XS Turbo, thx
  7. martin118

    martin118 User

    I need 4 SeaRama-Solo
    martin118 ID:8537821
    -NewBlood- likes this.
  8. buu123

    buu123 User

    I need Rama M Turbo
    Naam: buu123, User-ID: 13131065
  9. siegers88

    siegers88 User

    i need ramacopters

    Naam: siegers88, User-ID: 9582887
  10. 2 Rama XS CARGO and 5 RAMA-M-CARGO


    Edit ~NightHawk~: Language adjusted. Please use the English language outside of the International Section.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 13, 2018
  11. 1 helikopterre lenne szükségem
  12. jpguenzo69

    jpguenzo69 User

    4 Rama-M-Turbo
    Nome: jpguenzo69, ID de usuário: 12888970
  13. supergege

    supergege User

    10 Rama XS Turbo
    User name: supergege
    ID: 13137776

    Thank you!
  14. ski1382

    ski1382 User

    10 SeaRama Solo please
    user: ski1382
    id: 7264398
  15. yannwr05

    yannwr05 User

    plz, 4 turbo M
    id: 13140551
  16. Meskar

    Meskar User

    2 Turbo M Planes Please
  17. Kuncika6

    Kuncika6 User

    Hey! Looking for rama m turbos please
    12810839 Kuncika6
  18. i need them for a quest, i will send some mid size plane back :) thx

    my user id is 13140363

    i hope i will be online wen you send some thx
  19. Please send at least Ramacopter quickes! I'll send mid-sized planes or RamaCopter!

    Send them anytime after 3 pm MT on weekdays! Or send them anytime from 8-12am MT on Saturdays!

    So do I!

    Edit ~NightHawk~: Posts merged.
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 21, 2018
  20. supergege

    supergege User

    I need to receive 10 Rama M Cargo.
    Name: supergege
    ID: 13137776

    All the best! :)
    flightzero likes this.
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