Passenger counter

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by SkyChristine, Aug 16, 2017.

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  1. The passenger counter is outdated for high level gamers,
    due to the number of passengers well over 1 million (sometimes much much more)

    Suggested to update it with three more digits
    firehawk69 likes this.
  2. firehawk69

    firehawk69 User

    I agree, I sometimes have to wonder if I a million + or just what is shown.
  3. Mine shows ~80 thousand, at the moment
    What I KNOW that is not the truth :D
  4. firehawk69

    firehawk69 User

    During an event like tonights upcoming X2 XP event I can easily go thru more than a million and have ran out before because I thought I had an extra million but did'nt :mad:
    szarvasferi and Norway like this.
  5. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama


    we have already forwarded the need of an expansion of the passenger counter a few times.

    But until now, there have not been any news on this issue.
    If there will be something changed, we will inform you.

    Kind regards,