Discussion in 'General Archive' started by boeing787, Oct 27, 2016.

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  1. I have only reieved 1 broom from a buddy I have landed hundreds of planes but very few brooms to show for it, I have also had backgrounds removed from the normal shop but have never bothered to report it but it has made me hesitant in getting any others, I feel sorry for the very young who play the game and get disapointed when they are not recieving what they should.
    cupid151 likes this.
  2. Bullcamden

    Bullcamden User

    ok so can someone answer me this. Are the drop percentages greater on longer distance planes than shorter planes. On shorter planes i get 1 broom per 40 planes landed. On longer planes they come more frequent. Just trying to figure out this whole drop percentage thing.
  3. cupid151

    cupid151 User

    Nighthawk it does no good to contact support The last event was never ever fixed I had 95% of the wreaths stolen and never returned Then they stole every one of my planes 3 times over They were eventually returned. It seems the devs took them for a joy ride to Germany Now at the beginning when we were getting one broom per plane I thought great they are making restitution for the last event that was never ever fixed Wrong then they fixed it so we have to send 10000 planes to get one broom. That is an estimation The final straw was when they stole my Halloween background and did not return it.Still no brooms They stated they were supposed to send brooms to replace the background but I think they subtracted brooms instead of adding <not 100% certain but relatively certain I liked this event till they started stealing I am tired of us being told they have fixed things when I see 0 improvement iT LOOKS TO ME like a scam so we have to pay with game cash we have purchased If this is true why not just be honest and put all the items in the store This is why I am way past anger I am livid. In the past I have overlooked many things Such money that was lost in the construction of LG planes I do not understand this Lackadaisy attiude Be patient Be patient I never got to go home and leave my job undone It is time to accept responsibility step up to the plate and get things done Get something done so the game is as enjoyabale as prior to the previous eventHire Americans with the good ols American knowhow
  4. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Good morning,

    I can not confirm this but I heard the same from other players.
    From official site there is no statement yet.

    I can understand your anger. This time, my airport is affected, too. I can land a few hundred planes and receive approx 10 brooms ...
    Of course, this is no fun.
    But I can do nothing but wait and use my time for different things.
    Of course, I hope that they can finally fix this but if not, I can not change it.

    Best regards,
    Bullcamden likes this.
  5. Norway

    Norway User

    I got 389 brooms yesterday no problems With me :p
    Bullcamden likes this.
  6. Lucky you I have landed hundreds of planes since the start of this broomstick campaign and I still havent got 70 broomsticks,
    So the obvious question is, how are you getting them and many of us are notm?????
    Bullcamden likes this.
  7. No broomsticks collected the last couple of days. Seems like every special event is this way.
    Bullcamden likes this.
  8. cupid151

    cupid151 User

    Why keep on with an event that the techs have trashed.Why the favoritism to some and others are continually targeted to steal from Techs seem to be the problem It wasn't OK for us to get i broom per plane But is perfectly OK for them to steal backgrounds and make sure we only get occ. Broom. Why do all of us playing not get to enjoy the game Customer service does not one thing Initially I enjoyed this event until it was trashed I really hate the necessity to keep the posts ongoing but I feel they are continually choosing me to steal and ruin game enjoyment. Before the previous event I really loved playing this game and rarely posted I have spent time and money improving my airport. In the US this kind of incompetence would not be tolerated _116 planes gives 1 broomstick then 66 planes gives 1 broomstick 67 planes gives 1 Still my stolen background has not been returned Wonder why stealing is permitted in Germany Must be a haven for thieves 47 planes get 1 whole broom This event like the last one will never be fixed Is this is what all future events will be Used to be such a fun game but now they choose some to give event icons from and others they target to steal from and withold the ikons from not fairto all of us Never ever will they do anything that we request 25 planes you get 1 broomWhy are some setting over 400 and others a handful I in no way begrudge Norway getting her brooms26 planes got 3 brooms then 27 planes 2 brooms Now 28 planes =1 broomstick Still no return of stolen property Bigpoint do not seem to get it that once they loose peoples trust it is very hard to regain it It takes bending over backward and making things right Granting requestsv would be steps in the right direction as well as asking for forgiveness Halloween is over time to have thanksgiving decor now but there is a greater that pigs might fly than giving it to us Still no background 31 planes only 1 broom
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2016
  9. dc8dave

    dc8dave User


    still cannot log in ? been three days now :mad::mad::mad::mad:

    Edit ~NightHawk~: Posts merged.
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 31, 2016
  10. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello dc8dave,

    after consultation with the support, I would recommend the following steps:
    • You should have received an e-mail from the support. If you did not this mail yet, please check your spam folder.
    • Please run the First Aid (clear your cookies and browser cache).
    • If this does not solve the problem, please try to use a different browser.

    Best regards,
  11. Norway

    Norway User

    428 broom's yesterday, I thought you all would like to know. ;)o_O:rolleyes:
  12. Lucky you, do you think you maybe getting mine! from what others are saying it is the same as my experience very few broomsticks.
    There was problems with the last game giving medals, it would appear big point has lost the plot.
    Norway and cupid151 like this.
  13. Bullcamden

    Bullcamden User

    I had no issues with planes longer than 2 hours. Its the ones under that 2 hours seems to be a little issue. But i got plenty of broom sticks from the longer planes. so it seems like they are still working on the issue. but its better so not complaining to much here.
  14. Phil.Dunphy

    Phil.Dunphy Guest

    Please see the latest OA for an explanation regarding the broom drops.
    Bullcamden likes this.
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