
Discussion in 'Who is Who - The Players' started by ~NightHawk~, Jun 21, 2016.

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  1. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Dear pilots,

    from today on, I am the newest member of the English Skyrama team :).
    I'm playing the game since almost 4,5 years, but now I have been looking for a new challenge.
    So I joined the team and will try to solve the problems you might have with Skyrama ;).
    Furthermore I'll edit already existing and write some new FAQ's for you.
    And if I make a mistake, please forgive me - I promise, I'll learn as fast as I can!

    Happy flying,
  2. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Dear Airport Managers,

    after now 8,5 years being part of the Skyrama moderator team here in the forum, and more than 12 years being connected to Skyrama at all, I will end my engagement for the game with the end of the current year in a few days.

    It was a great time for me with all of you here, especially in the first years when I was new and dived into the work here. However, eight and a half years is a long time - things outside of Skyrama have changed a lot, and now there have to be some changes for me as well.

    The work in the forum here will be continued by @Flight-Attendant, but for me there is nothing more left to say except for thank you to all of you for being part of the Skyrama community and all the best wishes for you in the future.

    Thanks and goodbye,
    topgun123 and michielvde like this.
  3. topgun123

    topgun123 User

    Ciao ~NightHawk~ :)
    I wanted to thank you for your commitment in this Forum.

    In these years you have always given help and an effective response to Skyrama players :cool::cool:

    A greeting ;)
    ~NightHawk~ likes this.