Bug My planes doesn't show up

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by sparkmind, Dec 3, 2017.

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  1. same problem for me
  2. georgi73

    georgi73 User

    Hi, I have cleared the cache but result is all the same - no incoming / outgoing planes showing
    Can you clear it for me - User Id: 10160021
  3. olandiano

    olandiano User

    This is a message i receive every day, and more and more, from many players from all country,s and they don,t use anymore Quick service, because its no use anymore.
    for the most of them the game is over and they don,t fly anymore.

    Hello, do not send me airplanes because they are haunted by a slew of technical errors that reveal the shame, the degradation and the progressive and unstoppable disintegration of this former game-pasttime ,now hellish trap, thank you.

    So thanks again BP, we are loosing all our friends, go shame for yourself.
  4. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Your caches have also been cleared.
  5. Norway

    Norway User

    well said
    andrusca69, olandiano and szarvasferi like this.
  6. Norway

    Norway User

    The game has become a joke,why not stop the game for a few days and get it fixed.

    Kind regards Besse
    andrusca69 and olandiano like this.
  7. BasDekker

    BasDekker User

    I can't sent planes aswell:
    Name: BasDekker, User-ID: 13131566
  8. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Your cache has also been cleared.
  9. DANP

    DANP User

    i don't see the arrival plane please clear my cache

    Cognome: DANP, ID utente: 13131132
  10. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Your cache has been cleared.
  11. valpis

    valpis User

    i've the same problem of all, how to go on ?
  12. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Your cache has been cleared. Please try again now.
  13. DANP

    DANP User

    thanks the porblem was solved. but after 1 hour i dont see the arrival plane can you clean my cache
  14. hoolaaa también se pusieron grises mis barras ayuda y muchas gracias

    maridoola pueden limpiar mis caches porr favor gracias y buenas noches
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 8, 2018
  15. olandiano

    olandiano User


    Last edited: Jan 8, 2018
    andrusca69, Norway and embriaco like this.
  16. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Your cache has been cleared. And please use the English language in this forum!

    Your cache has also been cleared again.
  17. Norway

    Norway User

    what cache are you talking about ?
    Regards Besse
  18. phboos

    phboos User

    well i'm in the gray still
  19. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    The server cache. This cache can not be cleared by the user himself.

    Your cache has also been cleared.
  20. nicholasgr

    nicholasgr User

    You had cleared my cashe but we have the same problem again. Can you please help me, my UserID is: 11349847
    Thank you very much in advance
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