
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Joa, Aug 25, 2024.

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  1. Joa

    Joa User

    É possível comprar na loja ou em algum outro recurso o hangar ou só existe um tipo de hangar para cada classe e só é possível expandi-lo?
    malu09 likes this.
  2. Hello Joa,

    welcome to the Skyrama forum. First of all, as players of many different countries are using this forum, please use the English language for asking questions and further postings. There is a dedicated "International Section" for talking in native languages (https://board-en.skyrama.com/#international-section.551) as well as own threads for some more languages in the Players' Corner (https://board-en.skyrama.com/forums/players-corner.550/).

    Concerning your question: there are five different hangars at all in the game (small, medium, helicopter, waterplane and large). Each hangar can only be placed once on your airport and you can expand its space with no limit. You will receive the first four hangars as rewards from quests. The feature of large planes and also the large hangar is unlocked at level 40 and can be purchased in the usual shop.

    Kind regards,
    Joa likes this.
  3. malu09

    malu09 User

    Oii, hangar só se compra na loja, você pode expandir o tamanho dele mas não upalo
  4. Joa

    Joa User

    pelo q entendi vc ganha os hangares em missao, o ultimo pode ser comprado se n me engano
  5. Joa

    Joa User

    foi mal mas tem erro de portugues e a culpa n e minha
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