Game slowed to unplayable speed

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by firehawk69, Jul 5, 2018.

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  1. olandiano

    olandiano User

    Goodevening, can somebody clear my caches please, if its help. Thanks in advance.
    Kind regards,
    ID: 10902998
    szarvasferi and firehawk691 like this.
  2. Norway

    Norway User

    I have the same problem. besse
  3. firehawk69

    firehawk69 User

    Hello NightHawk, Will you clear my cache ? There are now multiple problems with game since all the maintenance work :( Thank you very much
    I.D. # 8268933
    olandiano, szarvasferi and jank1961 like this.
  4. jank1961

    jank1961 User

    Please clear my cache while you're at it NightHawk thank you so very much ;-) ID 5264246
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2018
  5. Good afternoon NightHawk, please clear mine too: userID: 10105821 Thanks!
  6. Hello!

    The game is very slow! UserID: 6298327
  7. Please clean my cache id 4394314
  8. Hello guys,

    your caches have all been cleared. Please apologize for the late response :oops:.

    Kind regards,
  9. olandiano

    olandiano User

    Thanks Nighthawk, better late then never. Have a nice weekend..
    Kind regards,
    firehawk69, ~NightHawk~ and jank1961 like this.
  10. jank1961

    jank1961 User

    Same here.... better late than never.... thank you so very much NightHawk.... wonderful weekend to all.... greetings ;-)
    firehawk69, olandiano and ~NightHawk~ like this.
  11. jank1961

    jank1961 User

    Awesome.... absolutely awesome.... wow.... what a difference.... it is like a new game.... once again.... thank you so very much NightHawk.... so very much appreciated.... greetings ;-)
  12. olandiano

    olandiano User

    Good evening Nighthawk, i forgot, can you clear also the caché from my partner please, thanks in advance.All evening TF.
    ID: 11215719.
    jank1961 likes this.
  13. Is done :).
    olandiano and jank1961 like this.
  14. olandiano

    olandiano User

    Thanks again Nighthawk
    Have a nice Sunday.
    jank1961 likes this.
  15. firehawk69

    firehawk69 User

    Thanks NightHawk for your continued help !!

  16. again the same problem ,some plans stuck and tha game restarts ,please help
  17. misuka1981

    misuka1981 User

    Sorry man but I can't play today at all. It logged me out all the time.
  18. Hello guys,

    your caches have been cleared now.

    Kind regards,
    olandiano likes this.
  19. firehawk69

    firehawk69 User

    Hello NightHawk, I'm having trouble again ... Would you clear my cache ?

    Thank You so much :)

    I.D. # 8268933
  20. Hello firehawk69,

    cache is cleared :)

    Kind regards,
    firehawk691 likes this.
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