Game slowed to unplayable speed

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by firehawk69, Jul 5, 2018.

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  1. babi

    babi User

    Hello NightHawg.
    The game is very slow.
    I can also ask to clear the cache
    Thank you
    ID 3375532
    firehawk691 and Jet-Jumbo like this.
  2. olexa

    olexa User

    Good day , moderators.My game is slow, very slow.Clear my cache please
    firehawk69, firehawk691 and Jet-Jumbo like this.
  3. Your caches have been cleared.
  4. iFrosT_

    iFrosT_ User

    Hi NightHawk, my game is slow, can you clear my cache ? Thank you.
    Username : sctp
    ID : 2274875
    firehawk691 and Jet-Jumbo like this.
  5. VU7214

    VU7214 User

    Hi, NightHawg.
    The game is very slow. I can also ask to clear the cache
    Thank you
    Username : VU7214
    ID : 12693919
    firehawk691 and Jet-Jumbo like this.
  6. firehawk69

    firehawk69 User

    Can I get my cache cleared again please ?
    I. D. # 8268933
  7. My planes are slow leaving and coming. Please clean my cache, thanks Carol
    firehawk69 and firehawk691 like this.
  8. Your caches have both been cleared.
    firehawk691 likes this.
  9. klemcsi

    klemcsi User

    A játék nagyon lassú! Tudna segíteni ezt a problémát?
    Előre is köszönöm!
    Klemcsi UserID8040274
  10. Hello klemcsi,

    your cache has been cleared. Please remember to use the English language outside of the International Section.

    Kind regards,
    firehawk691 and szarvasferi like this.
  11. embas

    embas User

    Could you please clear my cache? The game is really slow. Thanks in advance!
    firehawk69 and firehawk691 like this.
  12. Your cache has been cleared. Please apologize for the late answer.

    Kind regards,
    flightzero and firehawk691 like this.
  13. embas

    embas User

    Apologize accepted
  14. flightzero

    flightzero User

    Can you clear my cache?

    Username: flightzero

    Thank you :)
    firehawk69 and firehawk691 like this.
  15. Your cache has also been cleared.

    Kind regards,
    firehawk691 and flightzero like this.
  16. olexa

    olexa User

    My game today is very,very slow.Help me with the cache, please.
    firehawk69 and firehawk691 like this.
  17. belikov_y

    belikov_y User

    Can someone fix this problem ? the game has slowed at times so much that I have my buddies planes 10 hour planes timing out on me !

    This appears to be bigpoint servers issue as my computer is very capable of topspeeds and is dedicated to only this game !!!

    Name: belikov_y,
    User ID: 12966139

    Will appreciate urgent fix to this problem ... Thank You​
  18. Hello!

    The game is very, very slow! Can you help with this problem?
    Thank you in advance!
    Kind regards, szarvasferi UserID: 6298327​
  19. firehawk69

    firehawk69 User

    NightHawk, would you please clear my cache again ?
    I.D # 8268933

    Thank You very much :)
    flightzero and szarvasferi like this.
  20. Your caches have now all been cleared :).

    Kind regards,
    firehawk69 and firehawk691 like this.
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