Game slowed to unplayable speed

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by firehawk69, Jul 5, 2018.

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  1. firehawk69

    firehawk69 User

    Can someone fix this problem ? the game has slowed at times so much that I have my buddies planes 10 hour planes timing out on me !
    This is ridicoulas :mad:
    This appears to be bigpoint servers issue as my computer is very capable of topspeeds and is dedicated to only this game !!!

    firehawk69 I.D. # 8268933

    Will appreciate urgent fix to this problem ... Thank You
  2. Ladiček06

    Ladiček06 User

    Yeah this is a my problem :mad:
    mash_013, firehawk691 and Jet-Jumbo like this.
  3. Norway

    Norway User

    I have the same problem this week.
    mash_013, Jet-Jumbo and firehawk691 like this.
  4. Hey guys,

    caches have been cleared but there is nothing more that we can do.

    Kind regards,
  5. cornhusker420 player id. also very slow gameplay and I have two planes on runway that will not go into hanger.
    firehawk691 and Jet-Jumbo like this.
  6. Hello cornhusker420,

    the support guys told me that you should have gotten an answer to your ticket in the meantime.

    Kind regards,
    firehawk691 and Jet-Jumbo like this.
  7. Hello!

    The game is very slow! Can you help with this problem?
    Thank you in advance!
    Kind regards, szarvasferi UserID: 6298327
    firehawk691 and Jet-Jumbo like this.
  8. Hello szarvasferi,

    your cache has been cleared. Other things can not be done by us.

    Kind regards,
  9. OsPiloot

    OsPiloot User

    can my cache also be cleared?
    ID ; 13063590
    firehawk691 and Jet-Jumbo like this.
  10. Hello OsPiloot,

    your cache has been cleared.

    Kind regards,
    firehawk691 and Jet-Jumbo like this.
  11. Tommen64

    Tommen64 User

    The game is very slow! Can you help with this problem?
    Thank you in advance!
    ID 3860029
    firehawk691 and Jet-Jumbo like this.
  12. I don't know whether it helps but your cache has been cleared.

    Kind regards,
    firehawk691 and Jet-Jumbo like this.
  13. Norway

    Norway User

    The game was ok yesterday, but today so so slow.
    firehawk691 and Jet-Jumbo like this.
  14. firehawk69

    firehawk69 User

    Hello NightHawk, Will you clear my cache again ?
    I have had hints of gray radar lately ...
    Thank you
    ID # 8268933
    Jet-Jumbo likes this.
  15. Hey,

    cache is cleared :rolleyes:.

    Kind regards,
    firehawk691 and Jet-Jumbo like this.
  16. Dobrý den NightHawg.
    Hra je velmi pomalá.
    Můžu také požádat o vymazání mezipaměti
    ID 2841832.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2018
    firehawk691 and Jet-Jumbo like this.
  17. Cache is cleared. And please remember to write in English, thanks.
    firehawk691 and Jet-Jumbo like this.
  18. moonboot

    moonboot User

    it appears snails have taken over my airport, can you sprinkle my airport with some of your magic salt please?
    phboos, Jet-Jumbo and firehawk691 like this.
  19. NightHawk, omlouvám se, že jsem nepsal anglicky.My se učili na školách pouze RUSKY! Jinak děkuji za vyčištění mezipaměti.
    firehawk691 and Jet-Jumbo like this.
  20. babi

    babi User

    Hello NightHawk.
    Hra je velmi pomalá.
    Mohu také požádat o vymazání mezipaměti
    ID 3375532
    firehawk691 and Jet-Jumbo like this.
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