Game crashing after mission completition

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SimoneL, Jan 25, 2023.

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  1. SimoneL

    SimoneL User


    my game is crashing after redeeming the magazine, i am not able to play anymore.
    Anyone has the same problem ?

    Also in another account i can't buy new planes so i have 2 accounts blocked right now, pretty sad considering i even spent money on this game.
    MarcelLisewo and sercool like this.
  2. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello SimoneL,

    currently there are many bugs in the game, please inform yourself in the announcements, thank you very much.:)

    Kind regards,
  3. You will have to make the game first and then ask for money. you are very joking that you thought of putting the happy hour . sorry for you
    sercool and maontje like this.
  4. ZGAGA-2012

    ZGAGA-2012 User

    Why post a report if no one responds anyway...
  5. maontje

    maontje User

    They lost there minds. Think they need to buy a new server, and this is the way to pay for it.
    drosostalida2 and sercool like this.
  6. danneboy

    danneboy User

    When will the game start working as usual ?
    drosostalida2 likes this.
  7. ufon01

    ufon01 User

    probably no
  8. dyllan30m

    dyllan30m User

    buna seara, am si eu o problema de hala de montaj avioane blocata ..nici avioonul nu.l pot colecta...iar in cadrul event-ului nu pot schimba lopetile pe toate cazurile ma scoate din rog sa ma ajutati cu problema multumesc
  9. kole222

    kole222 User

    SimoneL I have the same problem, I bought fast supply and it freezes as soon as the plane lands
  10. fahuy

    fahuy User

    kole 222.The game freezes, or just the plane when it lands. If only the plane, just move it from the runway to the check-in counter and then use the service. I haven't been able to log in since Friday, so I can't check in planes.
  11. danneboy

    danneboy User

    I haven't been checked in on the game since 2-3 weeks ago
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