FAQ Whitelisting email addresses from Bigpoint

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by ~NightHawk~, Jul 27, 2016.

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  1. Dear Airport Managers,

    in an attempt to reduce the issues we are currently facing with regards to emails from us at Bigpoint being blocked by your spam filter, we highly recommend that you add the following email addresses to the whitelist, contact list and address book of your email account:
    • news.bigpoint.com
    • email.bigpoint.com
    • news.skyrama.com
    • email.skyrama.com
    By doing this, you should be able to eliminate the problem of emails sent by us being blocked by your spam filter. This can affect you when trying to change your password, user name or email address that is connected to your game account.

    Unfortunately, it is not always easy to locate where you can add email addresses to your whitelist, as it is different for all email providers. It could, for example, be found under some of the following headings; “Options”, “Spam Protection” or “Blocked Senders”. If you are unable to find where you can add email addresses to your whitelist, please contact your email provider directly and they will be able to assist you further.
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 3, 2016
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