FAQ Super-Fuel-Refinery

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by ~NightHawk~, Jul 27, 2016.

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  1. The Super-Fuel-Refinery works like a normal passenger building but instead of producing passengers it produces 1 super-fuel every 24 hours.

    • The building generates 1 super-fuel every 24 hours​
    • The super-fuel must be collected manually, once it is collected the 24 hour counter starts again.​
    • No additional super-fuel will be added until the player has collected it.​
    • There will be no additional bonus when decoration items are placed around the building.​
    • Limited to one building per player!​

    Super Fuel Refinery

    4 x 5
    Cost: 25 AirCash
    From: Level 15
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