FAQ Storage

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by ~NightHawk~, Aug 4, 2016.

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  1. This FAQ should give you the most important information about your storage and the functions which are related with it.

    • 1. What is the storage?
    • 2. Where can I find it? How do I navigate through the storage?
    • 3. Which building functions are there?
    • 4. How do I get items from storage to my airport?
    • 5. Can I sell items in my storage?

    1.) What is the storage?

    • In your storage, you can store items you currently do not need at your airport. If you need them at a later time, you can set them up again.
    • The storage has an indefinite capacity, you can store as many items as you want.
    • If you receive items as reward for a quest, you will find them after refreshing in the storage, too. Then you can place them at your airport.

    2.) Where can I find it? How do I navigate through the storage?

    You can open the storage by clicking the bulldozer at the bottom of your screen (above the buddy list).


    It looks like this:


    To navigate through the storage you can use the arrows on the right or left side.
    • With the simple arrow "<" or ">" you can skip to the previous or next item.
    • With the double arrow "<<" or ">>" you can skip to the previous or next 5 items.
    • With the arrow "|<" or ">|" you can skip the begin or end of the list.

    3.) Which building functions are there?

    There are 3 building functions:


    • Storing items:
    At first, click at the uppermost icon. Then, move your mouse to the item you want to store. It will be edged in orange.


    At least, click at the item and it will be moved to your storage!

    There are some items, you can not store: Hangars, occupied runways, bays, heliports and seaports, the construction hall and the recyclingcenter (when you currently dismantle or build a plane).
    • Rotating items:
    At first, click at the icon in the middle. Then, move your mouse to the item you want to rotate. It will be edged in orange.


    If you click on it now, it rotates 90°.


    Now, you can set it up again.
    • Move items:
    At first, click at the lowermost icon. Then, move your mouse to the item you want to move. It will be edged in orange.


    If you click on it now, you can set it up again.


    Note: If you want to cancel the rotation or movement of an item, click on the red X at the storage window.


    4.) How do I get items from storage to my airport grounds?

    To set up an item, click on it in your storage. Then, you will see the following:


    Now, you can place the item at your airport. If you want to cancel this operation, click on the red X again.

    5.) Can I sell items in my storage?

    Yes, you can. Only hangars, shops, backgrounds and landmarks can not be sold.

    To sell an item, click on the coins you see in the picture above. The following window will open:

    Storage sell.jpg

    The number in the green box gives information about the amount of the item you own at the moment. In this case, 31.
    By using the arrow keys, you can decide how many bays you want to sell.
    The more items you select for selling, the more coins you get!

    With clicking OK, you sell the items. If you want to cancel, click on the red X.

    Note: If you bought the maximum number of items with a limited amount and sell some of them, they will be visible at the store only after reloading the game.

    The selling price is calculated as follows:
    • Aircoins items: Items which have been bought with Aircoins can be sold for 10% of the purchase price.
    • Aircash items: Items which have been bought with Aircash will be converted to Aircoins.
      • Example: 25 Aircash * 10 = 250 Aircoins
    • Event items: Items which have been bought with Event currency will be converted to Aircoins.
      • Example: 25 Event currency * 10 = 250 Aircoins
    If you sold an item by mistake, a refund is unfortunately not possible.
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