FAQ Settings

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by ~NightHawk~, Jul 27, 2016.

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  1. The following is an overview of the settings available on the game.

    When clicking on the 2 setting Gears Icon, you can display or hide your settings from view.


    This is the drop down for the settings menu when you click on the gears the drop down will appear.

    This menu shows all of the settings set to the on position:


    This menu shows all of the settings set to the off position:


    The icon is the Redeem Bonus code icon:


    The icon is the Full Screen icon:


    The icon is the music icon. The left image is music on and the right is music off:

    [​IMG] _____________________________ [​IMG]

    The next icon is the special sound effects icon this can be turned off as well. The image on the left is on and the right is off:

    [​IMG] ______________________________ [​IMG]

    The next icon is the animations icon which can also be turned off. The left image shows the on and the right shows the off:

    [​IMG] ______________________________ [​IMG]

    This icon when turned to the off position will ask for a confirmation if you wish to use the quick serve function. Quick serve uses Aircash to service an aircraft. The left image shows the on position and the right shows the off position. Below that is an image of the pop up window which asks you to confirm you wish to use Aircash:

    [​IMG] ______________________________ [​IMG]


    The next icon is the Super Fuel icon which activates a security check for using Super Fuel when it is turned to the off position. The left image shows the on and the right shows the off.

    [​IMG] ______________________________ [​IMG]

    The last icon is the Change Password icon. This is the method that you use to change your password for account safety and security.

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