FAQ Passengers

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by ~NightHawk~, Aug 18, 2016.

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  1. This FAQ should give you the most important about the passengers in this game.

    • 1. How do I get passengers?
    • 2. Why do I need them?
    • 3. How do I see how much passengers I have?
    • 4. How long do they stay at my airport?

    1. How do I get passengers?

    There are 5 possibilities to get passengers.
    • Landside Buildings: You can buy them in the shop. They generate passengers and collect them. After a certain time (varies from building to building) there will appear an icon over the building: [​IMG]
      Then, you can collect the generated passengers and the building will start generating again.

    • Visit Buddys: If you visit a buddy, you can collect some passengers at his airport (max. 5 !). He won't have any disadvantages thereby. But this method is not really efficient.

    • You can exchange your collected souvenirs into passengers. Just click on the stamp between the Store- and the Storage-button.

    • You can use your free spins at the Lucky Luggage. There, you can win passengers as well!

    • You can buy 1.000 passengers at the shop (price: 1 Aircash)

    2. Why do I need them?

    You need passengers to start passenger planes. Each passenger plane needs a certain number of passengers. If you want to check what this number is, click first on the radar, then choose "New flights". Now, you can move your mouse on a certain plane.
    You will see a tooltip like this:


    The red edged box gives information about the required number of passengers for a single plane.

    3. How do I see how much passengers I have?

    In the top right corner of the screen you will see the following display:


    This is the number of passengers which is available at the moment.

    4. How long do they stay at my airport?

    Collected passengers will stay 5 days (120 hours) at your airport. After this time, they expire.
    But there is a minimum limit of 1,000 passengers. They will always stay.
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