FAQ Lucky Luggage

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by ~NightHawk~, Jul 27, 2016.

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  1. Lucky Luggage

    General: The idea behind this new function is the same like the Zoowheel in Zoomumba or the Farmwheel.

    The user get 1 free spin per day if he login every day he get up to 3 free spins per day. Every additional spin costs 1 Aircash.

    From the beginning you can win:
    • Passengers
    • Aircoins
    • Flowers
    • Buildings (Skyscraper)
    • Plane (Rama-Falcon)
    Rama Falcon - XS-Plane
    Cost: 2 Pilot Helmes, 2 Joysticks, 4 Windows, 1 Propeller
    Flight time: 6 Minutes
    Service time: 30 sec
    Cost: 10 Passengers
    Rewards: 160 Aircoins, 7 XP

    The number of how many Rama Falcons you can win is not limited.
    And the hangar space needed for the plane is inclusive!

    Skyscraper - Passenger Building
    Collects 100 passengers every 10 minutes.
    Size: 5 x 3

    Flowers - Decoration
    Effect: +1 Passenger
    Radius: 1
    Size: 2 x 1

    Where can I find it?

    You can find the Lucky Luggage in the top right corner between the log out and the settings icon.


    What does it look like?

    Lucky Luggage.jpg

    And when I win something?


    And how does it work?
    • First you have to click on the suitcase
    • After this the Lucky Luggage window will pop up
    • Just click on the “Free Spin” or the “1 Spin” Button (The Button will change from the button “free Spin” to the Button “1 Spin 1 Aircash” if you don’t have any free spins left.
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