
Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by AEROACE, Aug 1, 2016.

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    AEROACE User


    I would suggest a better price event planes. I think it's for anyone who collects them aplenty a bit expensive ...

    by logic, aircraft with good price in the event, encourages players to buy more slots and xpress service, generating more profit the company ... aircraft with the current price does not encourage players to spend their hard earned money and not much effort ...
  2. Hello AEROACE,

    in this even there are some planes with high prices, that's right. But this is due to the fact that the actual event is a flashback event.
    And the planes offered in flashback events have the same price as they had in the event they have been offered the first time.

    But in the next event, there might be planes with lower prices again.
    So, a change of prices in the actual event will not happen.

    Best regards,