Deleting planes in hangar

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by carrol23, Nov 3, 2016.

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  1. carrol23

    carrol23 User

    When I first started playing Skyrama, I bought a lot of Rama-xs-quicky, the first plane we ever started with. I had 19 of them :( and I wanted to delete them, but that will take me over half-n-week! I don't want to wait such a long time to get better planes. This is really putting limits at how my level can increase. This may probably be well-thought about before, but I just want at least a little more shrink-down. Ty very much ;)
  2. Hello carrol23,

    there are two possibilities two get rid of planes. You can srcap 1 plane every 24 hours in the hangar.
    In addition to that you can recycle 1 XS-plane every 4 hours and 1 M-plane every 6 hours in the recycling center which is available from level 40.
    I saw your level is 35, so you will be able to use this soon, too.

    Best regards,
  3. carrol23

    carrol23 User

    OK, ty so much!
    ~NightHawk~ likes this.
  4. Morsey

    Morsey User

    Is there any possibility of adding the AirCash quick-route to scrapping aircraft directly from the hangars. The 24-hour period for a single plane is a long time when you've got a big fleet :(

    It would also be nice if scrapping was hangar specific, such that you could scrap 1 small / medium / large / heli / sea plane at a time etc.
    Norway likes this.