Christmas Sale.

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Tommen64, Dec 11, 2019.

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  1. Tommen64

    Tommen64 User

    Most stores around the world have sales several times a year.
    They have New Year's sales, spring sales, summer sales, autumn sales, Black Friday and Christmas sales etc.
    I suggest that Skyrama have Christmas sales on the plane.
    How about a 50% discount on ALL planes from Christmas to New Year.
    This will make it easier for some players who want to buy some planes, but find it too expensive
    Trackplus and Vanibu like this.
  2. I'm agree with you!
  3. Hello Tommen64,

    you might have not noticed it, but actually the summer sale which started in August 2017 has never ended and is still running.
    So, I think saying that there are no sales in Skyrama is not quite correct ;).

    Kind regards,
    olandiano likes this.
  4. Disagree...
    Reducing prices due to low profit on overexpensive items doesn't call it sale!
    It's all about marketing strategy.
    Happy hour it's a sale(bonuses and proper advertised)
    Simple fact!
    If you want my money,do the sale,if not,i go spending somewhere else!
    Waiting for Christmas/New Year's sale!
    Vanibu and R.E.M. like this.
  5. hidhe

    hidhe User

    enough people do like the plane prices :)
    Britannia-Airways likes this.
  6. Do you realize i was talking about AirCash planes prices?
    I don't care about AirCoins planes prices...
    And i'm sure everyone want them cheaper!
    I don't like the plane prices,and i will probably invest more real money in planes if cheaper.
  7. hidhe

    hidhe User

    yea i know you are talking about aircash planes
    olandiano likes this.