Feedback Christmas Contest 2024

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by ~NightHawk~, Dec 19, 2024.

Dear forum reader,

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  1. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

  2. kjkj2012

    kjkj2012 User

    Dear NightHawk,
    I encountered an issue while filling out the Google Forms for the Christmas Contest 2024. Unfortunately, I entered an incorrect number, and the form unexpectedly closed when I pressed "Enter." Could you please ensure that my last response is counted in the survey results?
    I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    Best regards,
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2024
  3. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello kjkj2012,

    I will have a look at that when evaluating today's responses ;).

    Kind regards,
  4. Joa

    Joa User

    bonus code please
  5. Joa

    Joa User

    there is a new bonus code: sleighride
  6. Joa

    Joa User

    there is a new bonus code: sleighride
    thanks :)