Suggestion CashCow on/off switch

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Laca1997, Jun 2, 2018.

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  1. Laca1997

    Laca1997 User

    Hello to my fellow gamers,
    I would like to share my idea (and it's probably one of the most common "problems" in the game) with you. CashCow is basically good to have, because you get extra money with the servicing of it, but when a heavy load of traffic approaching your airport, it's quite annoying. So I'd like to see one day in the game a CashCow on/off switch. When a heavy traffic flow comes to your airport, just simply turn off the CashCow button, and that little yellow plane won't break the line. And when you have no more traffic coming in, you can turn it back on. :)
    Ladiček06 likes this.
  2. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello Laca1997,

    this will not be possible. The CashCow is kind of like a connection between your game and the servers, it gives your game data to the servers.
    So, every time when a new CashCow appears on your radar, your data has been transferred. A game without the CashCow would not be possible with the current program code.

    Kind regards,
    Dani9009, Norway and Laca1997 like this.
  3. Laca1997

    Laca1997 User

    Thank you for clearing my mind :D :D :D

    Best regards,
    ~NightHawk~ likes this.
  4. -NewBlood-

    -NewBlood- User

    It's pitty but I understand it. But I believe it's not annoying when you have QS, which I never bought. ;)
    Laca1997 likes this.
  5. PDN57

    PDN57 User

    When you dont see it the cash cow your other planes wont land they just sit there watch it some time. And another bug which all they tell you do is clear your cache It still happens after all said and done
  6. Jayden.B

    Jayden.B User

    Wow, I never knew that CashCow is handy!