Boys vs Girls :-)

Discussion in 'Official Forum Games' started by Valeska, May 17, 2016.

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  1. Valeska

    Valeska User

    Good afternoon everyone :)

    I propose a little fun in the forum, so ...

    After I have seen this game in the forum of another game, I decided to bring it to this forum, once I thought it is very interesting.
    This game is very simple:

    • we start in the number 200
    • the boys' goal is to reach the number 400
    • the girls' goal is to reach the number 0

    And it goes on until the boys or the girls win.
    When the boys or the girls win, the game starts again in the number 200, following the same rules that I have explained above.
    I hope that everybody had understand. If you have questions, ask them, so that I can try to answer to them.

    So, let's start. ;)

    Olia-Tox, jank1961, pulga1989 and 3 others like this.
  2. gigiz

    gigiz User

    How do you get points ?
    Dudinka77 likes this.
  3. ralf_s76

    ralf_s76 User

    it goes like this:
    201 (i am a boy)

    boys count upwards.
    girls count down.

  4. Domme67

    Domme67 User

  5. ladymerlin

    ladymerlin User

    Last edited: Jun 9, 2016
  6. sefsale

    sefsale User

  7. -XdarkX-

    -XdarkX- User

  8. Peteto1

    Peteto1 User

  9. 199 :p

    I moved the thread to the official forum games. Think, it fits better there :oops:.
    Peteto1 likes this.
  10. Peteto1

    Peteto1 User

    Hey NightHawk! :)
    I just don't get it.. I am sorry... You are a girl or a boy? Because if I understand right, if you are a girl you should move one down :p
    pulga1989 likes this.
  11. That's right. But I am a boy, so I count up! :p

    200 ;)
    firehawk69 and Peteto1 like this.
  12. sefsale

    sefsale User

    Peteto1 likes this.
  13. 205
    pulga1989 likes this.
  14. 208
    pulga1989 likes this.
  15. cupid151

    cupid151 User

    Don't quite understand this quest for lackof a better word. Though once I get a grasp of this it may have to be on hold for a while due to my Corneal transplant surgery less than a week ago
  16. hidhe

    hidhe User

    pulga1989 and -arkadek- like this.
  17. -arkadek-

    -arkadek- User

    pulga1989 likes this.
  18. Wait 206 because somone reapeted a number!
    pulga1989 likes this.
  19. Boys at 211!