Feedback Birthday Event 2024

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by ~NightHawk~, Jun 5, 2024.

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  1. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Dear Airport Managers,

    please post here any feedback on this years Birthday Event!

    Your Skyrama Team
    olandiano likes this.
  2. thai-air

    thai-air User

    No Birthday Contest on this forums??
  3. olandiano

    olandiano User

    Finally there are beautiful new XL planes.
    Thanks, now i think playing again..thinking. :)
  4. Hi there,

    I do not see the Spaceship One (88.888 coins version) on the event shop? When will this plane be available?

    Also, just make a 200% HH at least for the birthday xd
    Shoopieparpz likes this.
  5. -NewBlood-

    -NewBlood- User

    Nice, it's refreshing to see new planes in the game, even if it is essentially a reskin. And although I am a fan of minimalistic liveries/paintjobs, I like the new style :)
  6. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello ceesjellebos,

    unfortunately the Spaceship One will not be available in the current event. We hope to bring it back in one of the upcoming events.

    Kind regards,
  7. olandiano

    olandiano User

    Goodmorning, is it possible to upgrade the new planes to 4 stars? I have buyed 1 and its going to 3 stars. Its nicer when its going to 4 stars, you get more EP.s.:)
    It is also possible with the iceing so why not with the SRBE-LP05 :)
    Thanks in advance.
  8. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello olandiano,

    of course it is nice, but we always have to keep an eye on the balance of the values between the different planes ;).
    The L-planes in this event have higher basic values compared to former event L-planes with the same flight time, so it was decided to offer them with only three available tuning steps.

    Kind regards,
    olandiano likes this.
  9. olandiano

    olandiano User

    Hello Nighthawk,
    Okay, thank you very much for your quick answer.:) I understand.
    They are nice planes, thanks again.

    ~NightHawk~ likes this.
  10. kole222

    kole222 User

    SKYRAMA13 bonuscode :) send me planes thx
    dugobisilva likes this.
  11. limboair

    limboair User

    Was hoping on a better happy hour offer for this 13e birthday. Its now 213%, sometimes in weekend its 225%.
    Was hoping for a at least 313%
  12. olandiano

    olandiano User

    Sometimes 213 % is more then enough. A few years ago, the happy hour was 25% or 40 %.
    So a little bit gratefull is better. Think about it.

    And no, i am not a moderator, i am also a player .
  13. uzayl80

    uzayl80 User

    Is aircraft hangar development coming? thankss bonus code ??
  14. gotuzil49

    gotuzil49 User

    We got new L-planes in Skyrama before GTA VI
  15. While I do get this there have been HHs of 150%, for a special occasion like this I'd expect something like that to be done again
  16. BrideElena

    BrideElena User

    Thank you! But what's inside? And how long is this bonus good for? Some users do not receive this info in their mail
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