Airport visiting

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Laca1997, May 31, 2018.

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  1. Laca1997

    Laca1997 User

    Hello, I would like to ask a question. Whenever I'm trying to visit my buddy's airport, the flash and the game crashes everytime. Could you tell me some solutions, please?
    embas likes this.
  2. embas

    embas User

    This happens to me too when I visit friend in levels over 80
    Laca1997 likes this.
  3. Hello guys,

    for many airports there is too much traffic which leads to a very long loading time when visiting those airports. Therefore it seems that nothing happens.
    Unfortunately, this issue is not changeable at the moment.

    Kind regards,
    embas and Laca1997 like this.
  4. edwin2

    edwin2 User

    Ofcourse this issue is fixable. BP just does not want to invest into it.
    ***SIMIR*** and Laca1997 like this.
  5. Norway

    Norway User

    Just refresh the game and stay of full screen and it will work :))

    Regards Besse
    Laca1997 likes this.
  6. embas

    embas User

    I did that once, and I waited for 10 minutes and it didn't work :(
    Laca1997 likes this.
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