Suggestion AER (money)

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by babička1960, Aug 9, 2019.

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  1. I think it would be good to reduce the price of SMS on aer, if it cost 20 crowns it would buy more people and more times. What would you get out of it? - you would get more money ... and others would be happy that it costs less and can buy more in a day .. thank you in advance for your answer ;)
  2. Hello babička1960,

    the price for the Quick Service has already been reduced from 50 Aircash to 30 Aircash some time ago. This reduction was planned to happen only during events but it was then decided to keep it as well when there is no event.

    I think it is not probable that there will be another change in price.

    Kind regards,
  3. :( but quick service, its good.. ok ;)
    I hope some price change of SMS will be ... but I hope the price will decrease and not more expensive :D
  4. Hello babička1960,

    maybe I did not understand you correctly. What exactly did you mean by "price of SMS on aer"?

    Kind regards,