Support Adobe Flash retiring soon!

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Jayden.B, Oct 26, 2018.

Dear forum reader,

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  1. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello guys,

    no, of course we don't like it since many of us also played this game for years and helped to develop it by sharing our and your ideas with the developers. But we can't change anything for now and as long as we do not get any information, we also can not give anything to you.

    Nevertheless, since you obviously have noticed that there did not happen much in the last years, you probably should have asked yourself the question whether to put more money in this game. And the answer to this question is only your decision, no Happy Hour (although it takes places very often) forces you to buy Aircash or something else.
    In addition, nobody prevents you from e.g. taking a game break until there is information about the future or even until Flashplayer will be removed. Of course we are glad to have such an active community but I think that this is a question everyone should ask his- or herself.

    These are just my thoughts concerning this topic.

    Kind regards,
    olandiano likes this.
  2. supreme34

    supreme34 User

    hello NightHawk. He seemed a little desperate about the future of the game :( you advised us to think while buying aircash and even take a break from the game. I hope the developers will find a solution. because we spend a lot of time and money. It would be very sad to see that these were wasted.. :/ you are doing our best as team leaders, we are aware of this, but you spoke very desperately..
    DestinyHannah likes this.
  3. phboos

    phboos User

    It is not the only user that will be affected,i hope we get good replacement.there is still timeo_O
    Norway likes this.
  4. Jayden.B

    Jayden.B User

    They say december 2020 will end...
  5. dbnzy

    dbnzy User

    The shell for the game was invented and made, but why does the full screen button of the playing field not work?
  6. RostenCZ

    RostenCZ User

    Can i ask you ?? :/ We still don t have full screen ? :/ I can t play with this small window