Suggestion New Engine?

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by ito2468, Mar 10, 2022.

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  1. ito2468

    ito2468 User

    Since flash player are gone, almost all games will plan on moving engines like HTML-5 or WebGL even Unity.

    Is this game get plan to moving from Flash Player to HTML-5 or WebGL or Unity? it will be more stable and smooth (in my opinion) if using WebGL.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2022
    sercool likes this.
  2. michielvde

    michielvde User

    I agree with this for 100%, but i'm afraid there's very little chance a Unity version of Skyrama is coming anytime soon if they are not even releasing new events and planes :(
    sercool likes this.
  3. ito2468

    ito2468 User

    I think Unity is not suitable for low-end PCs and laptops but with Unity can give game chance to mobile version
  4. michielvde

    michielvde User

    On mobile you can basically already play Skyrama using Puffin browser. It's laggy but as long as your airport isn't too big it works fine :)
  5. ito2468

    ito2468 User

    can I still play on puffin with flash player nowadays? isn't flash player dead?
  6. michielvde

    michielvde User

    Puffin still supports flash even these days, so that should work (because they stream it from their servers which is still possible)
  7. Hello ito2468,

    switching to a different coding platform than Flash is currently (and probably also in future) not possible for Skyrama. Therefore, you would need to get back to the methods already mentioned if you would like to play it on a mobile device.

    Kind regards,
  8. ito2468

    ito2468 User

    I've tried downloading puffin and trying to play skyrama, that's working really well, thanks for your suggestion

    Why is it like that? I saw other games that previously used flash player could switch to another engine
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 16, 2022
  9. The developers only told us that it is not possible to do this change in an adequate way. I think that it is somehow related to the way how the data of all the planes is transferred.

    Kind regards,
  10. alexboot2

    alexboot2 User

    is ruffle not an option?

    i have manged to get the game working inside of ruffle altho it needs some tweaks to make it widescreen

    what is ruffle?
    Ruffle is an Open Source Adobe Flash Player emulator written in the Rust programming language. Ruffle targets both the desktop and the web using WebAssembly.
  11. ito2468

    ito2468 User

    yes, is alternative to flash player because ruffle act like flash player, but the game itself is still using flash
  12. michielvde

    michielvde User

    Have experimented with this a few weeks ago as well ;).
    I can confirm, while at this moment it's still very slow and still has minor issues, it looks really promising.
    Give the Ruffle developers a few more months/years and hopefully Skyrama can return to browsers :)