Technical error

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by BrideElena, Mar 2, 2020.

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  1. PDN57

    PDN57 User

    All week long with Google and I have cleared my cache crashes 3 times in 5 minutes So I quit. And they want you to play this game and spend money Not till things get fixed
    BrideElena and Leemonade like this.
  2. PDN57

    PDN57 User

    I have tried 3 times today to play this game cache no cache clear not cleared. It seems all support does is try to do there best for a company that only wants to maintain the game for the newest people to come play they dont fix any thing and havent for the time that I have played this game and Im at level 82. Its becoming a waste of time
    BrideElena likes this.
  3. BrideElena

    BrideElena User

    PDN, have you tried Internet Explorer?
  4. PDN57

    PDN57 User

    No and Why should I? I have played this game for almost 3 years I'm at level 82. I use to spend 25 dollars a month to play buying QS and larger planes etc. There comes a time when you don't get value for your money. Like I have said before they dont fix any thing they just maintain. This game has had issues before and it will be that way in the future. And if you stay and play much longer you will see.
    Leemonade, BrideElena and szarvasferi like this.
  5. BrideElena

    BrideElena User

    That's why I never buy toys I can't keep :rolleyes:
    PDN57 and Norway like this.
  6. jank1961

    jank1961 User

    All Browsers Now Performs Technical Failure All The Time.. not the browswers but the game that keeps crashing all the time after more than 8 hours of game play with no problems at all.. help needed asap someone please thank you ;-)
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2020
    Leemonade and BrideElena like this.
  7. BrideElena

    BrideElena User

    Welcome to the club :eek:
    jank1961 and Leemonade like this.
  8. jank1961

    jank1961 User

    Just to let you all know.. it was a game error & not any browser error.. it was my own planes returning from a buddy that caused it all.. problem now solved by support.. case closed.. have a nice day & play.. kind regards Jan ;-)
    BrideElena likes this.
  9. PDN57

    PDN57 User

    Not buying hat one Jank I was logged land the cash cow and picked up my people on looked at the forum when I went back 2 minutes later Tech error it crashed again
  10. jank1961

    jank1961 User

    PDN57.. do as i did.. forum can not help you.. write to support.. they will solve it for you as they did for me.. even on a late sunday evening.. have a nice time.. kind regards Jan ;-)
    Norway likes this.
  11. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello PDN57,

    if you get a technical error without doing anything, this problem is probably caused by the latest Google Chrome browser version and not by the game itself.
    In that case, please try a different browser and check whether the technical error remains.

    Kind regards,
  12. PDN57

    PDN57 User


    If that is the best any one can do is tell me to use another browser, then all I can say is that is all support does is maintain and does not keep up with the times.

    So there is only one thing to do. See you later as I will not play or support this game as I have gotten no support it works both ways. One day you will figure this out
  13. Dave11116

    Dave11116 User

    i have the same issue with google chrome but now i am using internet explorer and have NO errors.​
  14. Ttanttaka

    Ttanttaka User

    Today I started having the same problem in Chrome (there has been no update). I tried Firefox and Opera and also repeated the problem again. With Safari, for now, I play without problems
  15. alphawolf2

    alphawolf2 User

    Dear NightHawk,

    have now installed Microsoft Edge but I have the same problems with the flyby
  16. Michplay

    Michplay User

    id: 5564101 TF all day plz help
  17. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello Michplay,

    your cache has been cleared, if this does not help, please write to support for review, thank you. :)

    Kind regards,
    jank1961 likes this.
  18. PDN57

    PDN57 User

    I contacted Tech support back in March it worked for 1 day. I haven't played since March till yesterday. I see that there is a new event and guess what. I can play and have stayed on for a few yours each day. I havent done any thing new to my PC or Chrome. Maybe the problem was the event? But I'm sure no one will admit that out loud
  19. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello PDN57,

    no it wasn't a problem with the event, but the developers found the source of the problem and implemented a little fix to make the game running again with Chrome.

    Kind regards,
    jank1961 and szarvasferi like this.
  20. PDN57

    PDN57 User

    So they do fix things Who would have known
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