Bug My planes doesn't show up

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by sparkmind, Dec 3, 2017.

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  1. hotbab

    hotbab User

    happened to me again its so annoying
    ID : 13130019
  2. phboos

    phboos User

    Well every one same here.
  3. sito38

    sito38 User

    my planes have stayed with the gray bars my is 13122537 fix it porfa
  4. Your caches have all been cleared again.
  5. JoKy723331

    JoKy723331 User

    same here id:13128006
  6. mash_015

    mash_015 User

    can someone delete my cache,

  7. Your caches have also been cleared.
    @mash_015: Please use already existing threads before creating new ones.
  8. Skyline^^

    Skyline^^ User

    Skyline^^, ID: 13058390
    I ask you to clean it.
  9. Your cache has also been cleared.
  10. DANP

    DANP User

    problem clear my cache please
  11. Your cache has been cleared.
  12. DANP

    DANP User

    hi thanks i see my plane but i don't see my new buddy friends and i see only one on line from 2 days wat's the problem?
  13. 240.045

    240.045 User

    I do not see planes on the landing.

    Hi, I also have this problem for some days now.

    My User ID 7044017

    Please clear the cache.

    Thank You.
  14. If you add new buddies, they have to accept your invitation first. After that, the are shown in your buddy list. The green traffic light does not shine automatically if a player is online. He has to switch it on manually. So, it is also possible that a player is only while his traffic light is still red.

    Your cache has also been cleared.
  15. malu5549

    malu5549 User

    I can t see my planes and the others,
  16. Your server cache has been cleared. Please refresh the game, incoming planes should then be visible again.
  17. Norway

    Norway User

    I give up, the XP counter can't count. :mad:

    From Besse
  18. firehawk69

    firehawk69 User

    Hi NightHawk, I need my cache cleared , please. I am having to many problems to even list :( firehawk69 Id # 8268933
  19. georgi73

    georgi73 User

    Can you clear the cache - - there are no incoming / outgoing planes showing
    User Id: 10160021
    Thank you in advance!
  20. Your caches have been cleared now.
    firehawk691 likes this.
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