FAQ Recyclingcenter

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by ~NightHawk~, Jul 27, 2016.

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  1. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama



    The recycling center is available from level 40 in the shop under Airside buildings for 250.000 Aircoins

    Recycling planes will give you the needed pieces to build L planes and makes a place available in the hangar

    The more you recycle, the higher recycle level you will get


    How does it work:

    Once you ope the recycling center you will see folloxwing pop-up:
    You have 3 tabs, I for info, XS-planes and M-planes.
    (Heli, sea- and L planes will follow n the future)



    Click [​IMG]


    Click OK to start

    XS takes 4h


    M takes 6h


    Can't wait so long?
    Click the aircash to speed it up


    When the recycling process is finisched, click "Collect" to receive your pieces.
    You will find them in the construction hall.


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