FAQ Signature

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by ~NightHawk~, Jul 27, 2016.

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  1. ~NightHawk~

    ~NightHawk~ Team Leader Team Skyrama

    The maximum signature picture size is (deviant to the Netiquette) 640 x 200 pixels. It is allowed to use 1 picture in the signature.

    In addition to this, there is a maximum of 6 lines you can fill with text.

    Size font 4 must not be exceeded.
    A line can contain text or can be a blank line.

    Exists no signature picture, the free space must not be used for more lines. On the other hand, you must not enlarge the signature picture if you have no lines you filled with text.

    In the signature only are links allowed which lead to official Skyrama webpages (forum, official fanpages, etc.)
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