Worst Forum Pick and posting Permissions

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Xtreme-Plt, Nov 19, 2013.

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  1. Xtreme-Plt

    Xtreme-Plt User

    You did it again.
    You picked one of the worst FORUMS ever.
    I dont know with what criteria you chose this,
    but because i have seen it before, the only thing i can say, its awful, in all terms.

    And why i dont have permission to post in the regular sections i used to,
    in the old forum?
    pAntAt_LiCiN likes this.

  2. i second that.. whatever happened to our long overdued unsolved problems on the old forum? are they all gonna go unanswered?
  3. I'll add my agreement to the others here...
    I don't care for this forum format in the least.
    It's clunky, there's not a single tool to make reading new messages any easier than the other forum, and it's VERY difficult for someone with less than stellar eyesight to read!

    It took me three days to figure out I had to log into the game THEN open up another window to the game THEN click forum. I don't like this at all... One should be able to log into the forum without being logged into the game, thank you very much.

    PLEASE Find a better solution or at the least allow the users here to VOTE on a format. One that is more user friendly.

    User ID: 11374666
  4. Corwyn

    Corwyn User

    i think the same