What is Gem and how do i get it?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -Zephir-, Oct 11, 2015.

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  1. -Zephir-

    -Zephir- User

    for quest i need 15000 Gem. What is Gem and how do i get it? Thansk
  2. MrMungo

    MrMungo User

    Gem is one of the items needed for the jewellery shop.
    For me personally, and it differs a lot I think, I get gems from Germany, so it's rarely an issue for me (since there are a lot of players from Germany)
  3. MM77

    MM77 User

    Interesting ! From Germany I get Cheeze
    I get Gems from England, USA (missouri) or the Turks :)
  4. from germany I get wool
    I get gems from only the netherlands in europe

    how much of your storage capacity? sometimes I send much cargo aircraft. can you get all the goods?
  5. MM77

    MM77 User

    I asked a similar question
    It realy depends on the level of your shop. As for the storage cap, look at your Warehouse, it will tell you how much you can store.
    You can increase the storage by paying aircash. I'm not sure if the storage cap grows with your level.
    then, it's only a matter of math. See my Burger shop need 4 ingerdients, and I produce 1200 units. So, I need to send enough cargo to fill at least 1200 of those 4 goods.
  6. 3120 my warehouse + 1200 burger shop (7level) = 3320 total capacity
    [★☆☆☆ 16x Rama-M-SuperCargo(500)] and [★★★★ 4x Ontonav(900)] ==> total 11600
    total goods / 4 different goods = 2900 per goods
    2900 per goods + %10 service bonus (290) = 3190 total per goods
    3320 total capacity - 3190 total per goods = 130 empty capacity

    a long time ago I calculated everything ;):cool:
  7. MrMungo

    MrMungo User

    It really is different for everyone I think, and then it changes everytime a shop 'levels up', which complicates it again!
    So, you have that to look forward to @ level 8, @MM77
    FYI, I get ribbons from you, Turkish...and I got a lot of ribbons from you tonight!
    I got someone from Sweden (wool) sending me 12 Ontonavs (!) of wool aswell, when that happens it makes it a lot easier when you only need 2 other items. A little wool went to waste (300 or so), but at 5400 inventory/warehouse levels, I am not going to spend more Aircash on that.

    The storage levels increase by 60 items everytime you upgrade.
  8. MM77

    MM77 User

    But does it grows with your lvl up ?
    Ho and Turkish, you have NOT 3320 of Warehose cap total, you have 3120 of total space in your warehouse. Out of that your shop takes the amount (say 1200) out of 3120, to produce it's goods ;)
  9. Mod-Mama

    Mod-Mama User

    Posts been moved to own thread here (from buddy requests) :)
  10. MrMungo

    MrMungo User

    When I personally level up? That won't happen for years to come! At Level 8, you need something like 21 million sales of an item to level up, so once you get to L8, you know things won't change anymore, and can, if you wish, create a spreadsheet where you get the different items from, or something similar.
  11. I can speak very little English. I do not understand some of what you wrote. sorry.:( I can not reply to something I fully understand.
    but I would like to meet someone you're talking about sending 12 ontonavs player. :D:p

    translated by google translate:oops:
  12. MM77

    MM77 User

    Thank You :)
    It's ok, my native language isn't English either :)
    What I said (if you were addressing me :p) is you have NOT 3320 of Warehouse cap total, you have 3120 of total space in your warehouse. Your shops take the amount (say 1200) out of 3120, to produce its goods ;)
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