What happened to 300% mini event on Monday 18/3 ?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by astra234, Mar 17, 2024.

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  1. astra234

    astra234 User

    In "announcements" you write 300% points for Monday March 18th.
    But the game does not give these points.
    Decide which one is right and fix it.
    sercool and drosostalida2 like this.
  2. sercool

    sercool User

    That's exactly how it is. In the calendar it's 300%, but in the game it's only 200% XP. :mad:
    It's just Skyrama. Don't ask for too much. :D
    A day without a mistake is a day wasted :confused:
    Twannekedoelpunt likes this.
  3. astra234

    astra234 User

    At least they must give a Bonus code for their mistake if they care about their players. If we knew that is not real 300% we would not pay for QS.
  4. And why is that, Info on this forum is not always correct so why does Skyrama have to give a bonuscode for maybe a typo on this forum.

    It could be that they where miss informed, it happens
  5. You posted this yesterday 17-03. How can you tell that the next day is not 300% when the day was not started yet
  6. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello astra234,

    unfortunately, the event days were entered incorrectly in the calendar, today is just Know how Day: Double XP (200%).

    Please excuse this mistake.

    Kind regards,
  7. Norway

    Norway User

    here's a thought why not fix the xp counter make it level 100 or better still level 1000 if the so called developers can't do it get someone who can, and then all the players that have done level 99 will come back. its ano brainer $$$££££
  8. astra234

    astra234 User

    Don't drink too much Vodka before you write here.
  9. astra234

    astra234 User

    I went to Delphi, I live very close. A fortune teller told me so. He predicted correctly.
    sercool likes this.
  10. astra234

    astra234 User

    "Info in this forum is not always correct" : you are completely wrong.. 1st it is not about any general info on this forum , it is about "Headquarters" session , posted by as an "Announcement" and 2nd. i play many years this game, never in the past the schedule about mini events was innacurate!
    "so why does Skyrama have to give a bonuscode": it called "Customer care" , it was their mistake and they admited it. Also to prove that iit was not intentional to fish extra money from customers who bought QS because of the 300% announcement.
  11. Roi*Soleil

    Roi*Soleil User

    Since the event started, it has been filling the airport, constantly trowing me out of the game.
    I need urgent help!
    With thanks
    ID: 12134674
  12. sjonnie62

    sjonnie62 User

    I have the same problem.
    ID: 1464076
  13. Idem, still waiting a fix
  14. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello guys,

    since this was due to an accidentally incorrect entry in the calendar, it will now be closed again.

    Kind regards,

    ~Thread closed~
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