Weekly Polls!

Discussion in 'Official Forum Games' started by Jayden.B, Oct 26, 2019.

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  1. Jayden.B

    Jayden.B User

    Weekly polls every week. There will be random polls about Skyrama. Please vote!
    Here's our first one!

    What's your favourite 1930's racer?
    :) for Hughes
    :/ for Red Lion
    :D for Mulligan
    :cool: for Bulldog
    o_O for Gee-Bee
    Teoz44 and BrideElena like this.
  2. Jayden.B

    Jayden.B User

  3. phboos

    phboos User

    The ones that visit my airporto_O
  4. BrideElena

    BrideElena User

  5. asparuh1

    asparuh1 User

  6. Teoz44

    Teoz44 User

  7. I don't know them now