
Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by JEPPE1990, Sep 16, 2019.

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  1. JEPPE1990

    JEPPE1990 User

    Does it really have to take so long to upgrade planes?

    Can you make so, you can upgrade 10 planes at ones.

    It takes too long, when you have a lot of planes to upgrade.

    Thank you. :)

    czeria1988 and Jeppehal9 like this.
  2. Jayden.B

    Jayden.B User

    Actually, what do you mean by taking too long?
    From Jayden.B
  3. JEPPE1990

    JEPPE1990 User

    It takes a lot of time to upgrade 20 planes, im thinking about the bar there takes like 15 seconds or something like that.
    Jeppehal9 likes this.