Today also , the game is practically non-functional.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by astra234, Feb 25, 2024.

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  1. astra234

    astra234 User

    During the last 2 months (maybe more) , every time we want to enjoy the game, simply we cannot. When many players join the game, is getting slow.. so slow that is not a game, it is a suffering. Every Sunday (almost the whole day) , every 3X points day, every Saturday afternoon.

    - The response of the "Land" and "Send" buttons is either too slow, or not responding ( we must multiple click the button).
    - We click the QS button and the screen jumps!
    - The response of the QS button is slow..
    - and more issues wich makes the landing or sending multiple planes almost impossible .

    I use plural, because any advanced player i have chat, has the same problem.

    And no, the solution to this problem, is not "logout and login again" as your favorite answer to any user who reports a bug, instead of make some progress , and really resolve some of the bugs of this app.

    Resuming, at least 8 days in a month, i pay the Quick Service and it is uselles.
    Therefore counting the QS i have paid the last 2 months:
    1. I claim the return of the money i have paid for 16 QS days in skydollars.
    2. If this problem is not resolved in the next period by your developers, we will claim (group of many users of the game) all our reasonable compensation, for the fact that a game that we constantly pay for, is permanently malfunctioning.
    sercool likes this.
  2. Flight-Attendant

    Flight-Attendant Team Leader Team Skyrama

    Hello astra234,

    please contact support, we in the forum cannot do or check anything for you.

    Since we can't help you here, I'm closing this thread.

    Kind regards,
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