There should be more cash cow's

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by forestgrump, May 24, 2015.

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  1. There should be thing like well when you start the game you get to lad a plane called cash cow but then when your place starts to grow you don't need the useless $20 so here's my point when you unlock a new stile of plane there should be a new cash cow like medium cash cow $100 helicopter $1000 water plane $2500 that's how it should be.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2015
    dupleshwaryadav and moushka2013 like this.
  2. Please live a coment
    moushka2013 likes this.
  3. and i'm forestgrump just my account was block for some resin and the payment methods they have i don't have.
  4. Lyndajo

    Lyndajo User

    there should be more ways to get quick service with cash or chance to get free cash as at least
    8 hours of the quick service is used up with sleep,be good if we could pause QS while we sleep
    otherwise we are being cheated out of the time somehow :cool::oops:
  5. Lyndajo

    Lyndajo User

    forest gump I agree with your idea too though Im only on low level at he moment :(
  6. Thisisu

    Thisisu User

    I actually don't agree with the OP. The cash cow is good the way it is. You shouldn't have everything handed to you on a silver plate. Instead add players Turn your green light on. When you get planes be courteous and send planes back. Build up your reputation with a player and if they know they can depend on you to service their planes they will send you more. It's really not hard to level up, It's slow I will admit when you first start playing. It will get easier as you level.
  7. Ismoair

    Ismoair User

    I had like that CashCow idea earlier...