Surprise tape

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Trackplus, Apr 14, 2021.

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  1. Trackplus

    Trackplus User


    The surprises tape seems to be very old, I have entered several awards, we hope that Bigpoint will decide to make the tape more modern.
    We make this post viral in order to attract the attention of many players, but above all to make our requests reach the upper floors.
    Das Überraschungsband scheint sehr alt zu sein, ich habe mehrere Auszeichnungen eingereicht, wir hoffen, dass Bigpoint beschließen wird, das Band moderner zu machen.
    Wir machen diesen Beitrag viral, um die Aufmerksamkeit vieler Spieler auf sich zu ziehen, aber vor allem, damit unsere Anfragen die oberen Stockwerke erreichen.​

  2. dany2376

    dany2376 User buena idea ....dificil =))))
    Trackplus likes this.
  3. topgun123

    topgun123 User

    Goodmorning everyone,
    this is definitely a new idea that I hope programmers will consider:rolleyes:

    I would also add the possibility of winning seats in the XXL hangar:p:p

    good flights;)
  4. supreme34

    supreme34 User

    1 propeller has not been coming for years. Only 1 propeller for God's sake :D the number of other items exceeded 100 :):) definitely a section that needs to be renewed
    Trackplus, topgun123 and firehawk691 like this.
  5. Yes this would be a great thing to implement !!! I have been long bored with it that I have 4793 free spins simply because the current prize's are not worth the effort :(

    firehawk691 AKA firehawk69
  6. -Muriska-

    -Muriska- User

    :rolleyes: The idea is good but,
    ... it should remain the same until a certain level, example: up to level 40
    (because: for beginners and low level players, it helps a lot)
    After reaching level 40, implement the new wheel ( tape)

    Good flights ;)
  7. madmax100

    madmax100 User

    yes same idk why its happening to me to
    Trackplus likes this.