Suggestion on Maps

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Bullcamden, Feb 9, 2017.

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  1. Bullcamden

    Bullcamden User

    Maybe in the future we could purchase another map on the airport. So you can go back and forth between the as needed. I would use one for landing planes and one for taking off. I have gotten to a point in the game to where adjusting for this is time consuming. Just an idea.
    olexa, Norway and firehawk69 like this.
  2. boeing787

    boeing787 User

    Good idea ? There is not enough room on the map for ur airport to look like an airport as u get further into the game . ie the new hangars for large aircraft and to build them as well etc. I like to see revamp of the old stuff to as its so dated ! to the games on the internet now.
    Norway, Bullcamden and firehawk69 like this.