suggestion for events

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by cupid151, Jul 24, 2017.

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  1. cupid151

    cupid151 User

    It is impossible to keep coming up with new events continually. Why not use events from prev years like summer events and add a few new planes as well as the planes from that event as all may not have collected some of the planes from that event Then the Pirate event . Then It would be time for halloween You could take longer to develop totally new events which you could put somewhere in between Ask and listen to suggestons from airport managers
    m.s.t, wojtekpl999 and mapelu like this.
  2. -Dexac-

    -Dexac- User

    Hello cupid151

    Thank you for the suggestion.
    We will redirect her to the headquarters.

    Have a nice day.
    cupid151, m.s.t and mapelu like this.
  3. cupid151

    cupid151 User

    Thank you Airport managers for the Positive feedback Hope that the more positive feedback we get the more they will listen and it could take pressure off those developing new events and buy them more time In addition it will keep everyone happier so lets hope they are bombarded with likes in response to the first message If it were implemented in some way it would be an indication that Bigpoint is listening and really wants to make the game more enjoyable
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2017
    Norway likes this.