Stop using the forum, use discord

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by demetrialovato, Jan 14, 2024.

Dear forum reader,

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  1. Hello! Many will remember me, others don't know what I am, but I would like to generate a change, the forums are already obsolete in all games, the majority of players have gone to a discord channel to keep us all active there, it would be good if the Bigpoint administrators or people who are in charge of the "skyrama" open a discord server, where we can all participate by writing or voice channel, I hope this suggestion is heard and you can implement it for the good of the community
    Greetings, Demetrialovato.

    PS: I would like other players to also comment on their opinions on this topic, if they would like a skyrama discord
  2. Kmhales

    Kmhales User


    I do like this idea but I've not been accepted onto the discord as of yet as its all manual adding. :(
  3. Kmhales likes this.
  4. Kmhales

    Kmhales User

    thank you so much! im in lol woohooo
  5. I think the topic starter wants to have a discord from Bigpoint itself about skyrama
    There are alot of discords who are being used to exchange planes between players.
  6. Well seeing how much the game has been changed over the years (it hasnt) i doubt they'd be willing to put in a lot more time into this
    which fair enough, it is not their main game regardless
  7. Joa

    Joa User

    fui banido por fazer piada de mau gosto e queria entrar de novo